The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. As such, every person deserves the same legal rights and protections, no matter their sexual orientation. The ACLU of Minnesota works to promote equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender* individuals both in the text of the law and in practice.

The basic rights guaranteed to you by the U.S. and Minnesota Constitutions not only include the freedoms of speech and assembly but also the right to marry a consenting partner of your choice, to raise a family, and to be free from unfair discrimination.

Learn more about ACLU-MN's history of fighting for LGBTQ Rights: Pride is Still Protest.

Know Your Rights for LGBTQ+ Students 

The ACLU-MN created a presentation for superintendents, school boards, principles and teachers titled, "Know Your Rights and Responsilities: K-12 Schools and the Immigrant and LGBTQ+ Students they Serve." 

Transgender Rights

The ACLU champions transgender people’s right to be themselves. We’re fighting discrimination in employment, housing, and public places, including restrooms. We’re working to make sure trans people get the health care they need and we're challenging obstacles to changing the gender marker on identification documents and obtaining legal name changes. We’re fighting to protect the rights and safety of transgender people in prison, jail, and detention facilities as well as the right of trans and gender nonconforming students to be treated with respect at school. Finally, we’re working to secure the rights of transgender parents.

Defend Trans Freedom

The ACLU of Minnesota has played an integral role in protecting LGBT rights in Minnesota for 40+ years. Read more about the cases we have taken below.