There are times when it's necessary to call your legislator at the Capitol to make an appeal on an impending vote, or to let them know what your priorities are.
In that case, you'll be calling your legislator. To search for your legislator’s number go here. You won't be connected directly with your legislator, so it's important to plan what you'll say ahead of time.
As with any other meeting or communication with your legislator, politeness is key. Remember to include the following things in your message:
- Who you're calling: You'll need to know which Senate district and House district you live in and the name of the legislator you're trying to contact.
- What you're calling about: State the House bill number or Senate bill number you're calling in reference to and what action you'd like your legislator to take (ie. "please vote no on HB XXXX!").
- Let them know you live in the district and are a registered voter.
- Say thank you!
Here are some tips for your phone call:
- Be firm but courteous. Use respectful language. If possible, include praise for a position the legislator has taken in the past.
- Tell your story. Facts are important, but personal and relatable stories can play a powerful role in changing hearts, minds and votes. Tell your elected official why this legislation matters to you, your family and your community.
- Build a relationship. Have you ever voted for this elected official? Have you ever contributed time or money to their campaign? Have you door-knocked for them? Are you familiar with them through any business or personal relationship? If so, tell them. However, you don't have to be a big donor to make a big difference. In fact, sincere personal stories are always the most powerful.
- Be brief. Legislators want to know what you think. Try to write out what you have to say before calling, keep phone messages to a few sentences.