Abortion and Reproductive Freedom

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a shameful ruling on Friday, June 24, 2022 overturning Roe v. Wade — the landmark decision recognizing the constitutional right to abortion nearly 50 years ago. The ruling in this case, Dobbs v.

Criminal Justice

The U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights protects us against suspicionless searches and seizures. It guarantees due process to individuals who are accused of crimes and humane treatment to those who are incarcerated.

Immigrants' Rights

Request a Know Your Rights Presentation 

Are you or your organization looking for information about your rights and responsibilities with ICE? Request a training by the ACLU-MN here. 

LGBTQ+ Rights

The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. As such, every person deserves the same legal rights and protections, no matter their sexual orientation.

Police Practices

Police are supposed to protect and serve all members of the public. Performing this job effectively does not require sacrificing civil liberties, something that happens too often to BIPOC communities, even leading to killings by police.

Prisoner Rights

The population in American prisons and jails has tripled in the past 15 years.