UPDATE Feb. 8, 2022: Victory! We reached a settlement agreement with Minnesota State Patrol that includes $825K for the journalist plaintiffs who MSP attacked plus policy changes to prevent future assaults. The lawsuit continues against other law enforcement agencies involved in assaulting journalists.
UPDATE Sept. 3, 2021: A court transcript filing by the ACLU-MN reveals a “vast majority” of the Minnesota State Patrol performed a massive purge of emails and texts after police were accused of using excessive force during the George Floyd uprising. https://www.aclu-mn.org/en/press-releases/court-transcript-reveals-state...
UPDATE April 16, 2021: A federal judge ruled that state law enforcement cannot attack or arrest journalists for covering the Daunte Wright protests, and granted the ACLU-MN's request for a temporary restraining order against the heads of the state Department of Public Safety, Minnesota State Patrol and their officers. https://www.aclu-mn.org/en/press-releases/judge-issues-order-halting-pol...
The ACLU of Minnesota filed a class-action lawsuit overnight Tuesday on behalf of journalists targeted and attacked by law enforcement while covering protests over the police murder of George Floyd.
The ACLU-MN, Fredrikson & Byron P.A. and Apollo Law LLC are suing the City of Minneapolis, Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, police union head Lt. Bob Kroll, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington, and Minnesota State Patrol Colonel Matthew Langer. Jared Goyette et al. v. City of Minneapolis et al. was filed in U.S. District Court in the Minnesota District.