22nd Annual Earl Larson Award

November 28, 2018 @ 5:30 pm

Please join us as at our 22nd annual Earl Larson Award as we honor Eric Janus, with the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota's 22nd Annual Earl Larson Award and the NAACP Minneapolis with the Changemaker Award. In 1996, the ACLU-MN created the Earl Larson Award to honor those attorneys who have pursued a lifelong commitment to justice and civil liberties work. The award is named after the founder of the ACLU-MN, Federal Judge Earl Larson. The Changemaker Award recognizes people and organizations who are in the forefront of the struggle for justice and equality.

Tickets cost $100, $30 for those in public/social service

Purchase tickets here

Contact Molly Miller Mons at 651.529.1696 or at mmiller@aclu-mn.org with any questions. 

Eric Janus image

About Eric Janus

Eric Janus is a professor at Mitchell|Hamline School of Law and is a leading national expert on sexual violence law and policy. Professor Janus’s scholarly focus has been on the interaction of law with psychiatry and other health sciences. Building on his experience as court-appointed counsel in extended constitutional litigation challenging Minnesota’s Sexually Dangerous Person Law, he has focused on the boundaries of the state’s ability to use civil commitment to protect public safety. He has studied the impact on prevention of international human rights law. His most recent book is Sexual Predators: Society, Risk and the Law (Routledge, June 2015, with R. Prentky and H. Barbaree). He has served on the Minnesota Sex Offender Civil Commitment Advisory Task Force and is a Contributing Editor to the Sex Offender Law Report. He has worked with the ACLU-MN to challenge the detention of individuals housed in the Minnesota Sex Offender treatment program which the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota found to be unconstitutional.

group of people with warrant forgiveness day t-shirts

About the NAACP Minneapolis

The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. The NAACP is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States. The NAACP Minneapolis is an active and vibrant branch of the NAACP. The ACLU is honoring the NAACP Minneapolis for its first annual Changemaker Award because of the NAACP Minneapolis’s outstanding commitment to equality, justice and empowering underserved communities. The ACLU-MN and NAACP Minneapolis have partnered on a number of projects over the past years including the release of the ACLU’s report on racial disparities in policing, two successful Warrant Resolution Days and litigation to increase police transparency.



5:30pm - 6:30pm
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Award Program

Thank you to all of our sponsors!