If you are a member of the media, please contact Rachel Fergus, Communications Associate on her cell at rfergus@aclu-mn.org.

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Filter Press

Honk for Peace charges dropped

The City of Burnsville has dropped charges against a woman who honked in support of protesters who were holding signs along a public road.

May 12, 2009

Anti-Real ID passes Minnesota House and Senate

The ACLU supported Anti-Real ID bill passed both the Minnesota House and Senate and is awaiting either a signature or a veto from Governor Pawlenty. If this bill is signed into law Minnesota will become the 13th state to prohibit the implementation of Real ID.

May 12, 2009

The Role of the ACLU

The job of the American Civil Liberties Union is to protect and defend the rights contained in the constitution. This week the ACLU commented on the plan by the City of St.

April 1, 2009