If you are a member of the media, please contact Rachel Fergus, Communications Associate on her cell at rfergus@aclu-mn.org.

Join our press release list by sending your name, media outlet, email address and phone number to lkalsnes@aclu-mn.org with the subject line “Press Release List.”

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The John Adams Project

Standing up for justice in the Military Commissions proccedings

There are times in this country when we find ourselves at a crossroads - where the path we choose has the potential to define us as a nation for generations to come.

May 7, 2008

ACLU-MN applauds Governor Pawlenty for signing massage therapist bill

Governor Pawlenty signed H.F. 3708 into law today. Among the provision of this bill are changes for complementary and alternative health care practitioners. Specifically, this law deals with when alternative health care providers can engage in a sexual relationship with former clients.

May 2, 2008

Blake High School Senior wins ACLU Scholarship award

St. Paul, Minn. - The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota is pleased to announce that Angelina Momanyi, a high school senior at The Blake School in Minneapolis was one of the recipients of 2008 ACLU Youth Activist Scholarship.

April 14, 2008