Join us for an evening of drinks and discussion about the state of our privacy rights in the digital age at Minnesota's first Latinx-owned brewery.
ACLU-MN Legislative Director Ben Feist will fill you in on what's up at the state Capitol, including our efforts to require warrants for drone surveillance and to prevent employers from invading your personal social media.
Our headliner, national ACLU privacy expert Jay Stanley, will talk about emerging issues in privacy, technology and surveillance, including the growing use of facial recognition software, the privacy pitfalls with new gadgets and more. He edits the ACLU's Free Future blog, and has authored influential ACLU reports on privacy and technology. Before joining the ACLU, Jay was an analyst at the technology research firm Forrester, served as American politics editor of Facts on File’s World News Digest, and as national newswire editor at Medialink.
The event is free.
There's a food truck on site to purchase food, and free parking.