Media Contact

Lynette Kalsnes,; o: 612.274-7785; c: 612.270.8531

January 8, 2020

The following statement can be attributed to ACLU of Minnesota Executive Director John B. Gordon:

The ACLU of Minnesota is deeply troubled by the suspension of Chief Hennepin County Public Defender Mary Moriarty and the associated disruption to criminal justice reform efforts.

Moriarty has been a fearless crusader for criminal justice reform, championing many of the values the ACLU holds dear and working with us to protect and advance people’s rights. She has pushed for warrant, policing and prosecutorial reforms, advocated for pay parity for public defenders and challenged white supremacy in the system. She has called out racial disparities inherent in marijuana arrests.

Given all of her contributions, the State Board of Public Defense owes it to the community to explain her suspension, and to ensure that there is a fair and transparent review with sufficient due process.

No one should be fired for being speaking truth to power.