Know Your Rights - Back to School

October 9, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
@ 8:00 pm

School is back in session and the questions are starting again - Can the school really ban those books? Can students be disciplined for expressing their views? What does it mean to treat everyone including transgender teens equally under the law? Does immigration status affect the rights a student has at school? Students “do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.” By knowing your rights, you can make sure they are protected. The ACLU-MN is here to help.

Please join us on Wednesday evening (7-8pm), October 9, 2024, for a virtual discussion about these and other related issues.

RSVP here!

The one-hour virtual town hall will feature ACLU-MN Legal Director Teresa Nelson and ACLU-MN Staff Attorneys Catherine Ahlin-Halverson and Ben Casper. Moderated by ACLU-MN Staff Attorney David McKinney.

This town hall is intended for students in 6th through 12th grade, their guardians and parents, school administrators, faulty, and anyone interested in knowing and protecting students’ rights.