Today the District Court ruled in the Impeach for Peace et al v City of St. Paul lawsuit. In her ruling Judge Gearin stated that there are "ample alternatives for communication of the Plaintiffs' messages." and that the demonstration zone does not need to be expanded.

The ACLU-MN is disappointed by the decision and think that they city is putting logistics over the First Amendment.

In the lawsuit the ACLU-MN represented Impeach for Peace, a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to holding elected officials accountable to the rule of law. It also represents Coleen Rowley, Ross Rowley and Ron DeHarpporte, individuals who are interested in exercising their right to freedom of speech.

The ACLU-MN stated in their complaint that the designated demonstration zone is inadequate and that it does not guarantee sight and sound access to Xcel Center. The City of St. Paul has failed to provide details about whether and to what extent that view will be obstructed by fencing, delegate buses and media tents; and whether the area will be a three-sided pen that will severely limit egress and ingress. In addition, the City has adopted guidelines regulating speech that are subject to last-minute changes as the City deems fit. Finally, the guidelines do not explain what rights groups and individuals have to demonstrate, hold signs, or distribute literature in other areas in proximity to Xcel Center. The lawsuit seeks additional space in proximity to Xcel Center and other relief to protect the right to freedom of speech.