The ACLU of Minnesota is appalled over Mille Lacs County treatment of an eleven year old boy.  In mid-April an 11 year old was arrested, shackled and dressed in prison garb at school because he failed to show for a court appearance in which he was the victim.  To read more about this story you can visit Mille Lacs County's Messenger article.   The Mille Lacs County Attorney maintains that what they did was legal.   

To encourage reform and resolution of this issue the ACLU-MN a letter to the Attorney General, the Govenor and Senator Mee Moua who is chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Below you can read an excerpt from the letter they sent these top officials. 

Minnesota has enjoyed the reputation as a state that valueshuman and civil rights. 

The ACLU is shocked by the county's callous treatment of an11-year-old boy in April 2007. Certainly in this state we should all do what we can to ensure that thisis the last time that an 11 year old victim will be arrested at school, broughtto a courtroom in shackles and prison garb in order to testify against hisattacker.

The ACLU requests that you use the power of youroffice to investigate and determine what changes, if any, are required toensure that no other child should go through what this child was forced to gothrough.  We pledge to work with youroffice in any way possible in order to achieve what I am sure are our mutualgoals.