If you are a member of the media, please contact Rachel Fergus, Communications Associate on her cell at rfergus@aclu-mn.org.

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ACLU-MN Files Lawsuit Against Minnewaska Area Schools

Contact: Charles Samuelson, Executive Director for the ACLU-MN, 651.645.4097 x121 or
Teresa Nelson, Legal Counsel for the ACLU-MN, 651-645-4097 x122

ACLU-MN files lawsuit against Minnewaska Area Schools

March 6, 2012

ACLU-MN issues $1,000 bounty on election fraud

St. Paul, Minn. – Today, the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota launched its new Vote No 2012 political fund with a challenge: prove a case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by this new law, and collect $1,000 from the Vote No 2012 Fund.

February 13, 2012