If you are a member of the media, please contact Rachel Fergus, Communications Associate on her cell at rfergus@aclu-mn.org.

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Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Passes

This year at the Minnesota State Capitol the ACLU-MN was hard at work pressuring legislators to pass Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform. While the ACLU-MN is pleased that a reform bill did pass; unfortunately it did not contain two of the key changes for which the ACLU-MN were advocating.

May 20, 2010

ACLU Supports Native Fishing Rights

The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota strongly supports Indian tribal treaty rights and we are recruiting volunteer attorneys to represent a reasonable number of individual tribe members who receive citations during "The Great Anishinabe Fish Off (Reservation)".

May 12, 2010

Settlement reached in ACLU-MN's wrongful death case

St. Paul, Minn - This week a settlement agreement was approved by Duluth City Council in the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota's case against the Duluth Police Department for the wrongful death of David Croud. In the settlement the city agreed to pay $100,000 to resolve the case.

May 12, 2010