Media Contact

Lynette Kalsnes,, 612-270-8531


April 1, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, at the request of local public defenders, the ACLU of Minnesota sent a letter to the Sixth Judicial District Chief Judge Sally Tarnowski Tuesday afternoon asking the Court to release more people from our prisons or jails.

The letter acknowledged the positive steps already taken toward decreasing inmate populations, and asked the Court to take additional steps to release more people from correctional facilities to keep people and our communities safe.

The letter contains several policy recommendations and a request for urgent action to protect everyone impacted by our criminal legal system during this public health crisis.

“The goal of all parties right now should be to reduce the numbers of people who are now in or who will enter Minnesota jails, prisons, and houses of correction,” the ACLU-MN wrote.

The ACLU of Minnesota will continue monitoring COVID-19 related issues for potential civil liberties violations.

The ACLU of Minnesota is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the civil liberties of all Minnesotans through litigation, lobbying and organizing.    
