The following is a statement from Chuck Samuelson, Executive Director of the ACLU-MN, on today’s hearing regarding proposed photo-cop legislation.

“This proposed legislation brings with it so much baggage, the members of the Minnesota Legislature would be wise to abandon it with great haste. The ACLU opposes photo-cop legislation on the very simple premise that the constitution guarantees anyone accused of a criminal offense the right to face their accuser in open court. Replacing police officers with cameras also removes this very basic constitutional right. And despite the selective reporting put forth by the proponents, there is no actual compelling data to suggest that accidents are reduced with the use of these cameras. And then there is the question of the trustworthiness of the company pushing the legislation. A simple Google search of the manufacturers of these devices will show that they bring a great deal of controversy and even corruption nearly everywhere they go. In the past, the legislature would ask if we should make a change like this before asking if we can make the change. The current legislature would be wise to ask if they should do this, as the answer is quite clear.”

For More Information or to set up an interview with Chuck Samuelson, please contact Nate Dybvig at 651.230.3018 or