On Wednesday, May 14, the Coalition to March on the RNC (whom the the ACLU represents) and Stop the War received an alternate permit for their demonstration on September 1, 2008. This alternate permit was provided because both the route and the time in their permit application were rejected by St. Paul Police.

However, the terms of the alternate permit will not accommodate the large, national demonstration our clients are planning. The space and time limitations are unworkable, and limit the impact they can have on the RNC and its media coverage.

The alternate permit grants the Coalition the small space that remains: A 2000 square foot triangle, across the street from the Xcel Center. The permit allows the use of that space for less than 2 hours, and requires that the march proceed along a 1000-foot long turn about, then turn back on itself, and return to the State Capitol Building on the same road they marched in on. This limited time and space cannot accommodate 50,000 protesters.

We ask you to call on the St. Paul City Council to stand on the side of Freedom of Speech, to issue the permit to our clients applied for, to ensure a successful demonstration. The appeal will be heard at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, May 21, 2008, on the 3rd floor of City Hall at 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul. The meeting begins at 3:30pm, and public hearings are scheduled for 5:30pm - it is not clear when the Permit appeal will be scheduled on the agenda. Please attend the meeting if you can, and contact St. Paul City officials beforehand.

Ask them to approve the original permit application, including a later and longer time, and a route that physically accommodates more protesters and provides more space at the Xcel Center. They can also help by getting the police to answer some of these questions:

1. Why was the original permit denied? What specifically about the route and time would create the traffic and safety issues stated as the basis for denial? How does the alternate permit avoid these issues?

2. Why does the March have to clear the Xcel by 2:00 p.m.? Will all demonstrators be banned from the "soft security zone" after 2:00 p.m.? If not, why can't the March go later in the afternoon? Can the March starting time be moved back to accommodate people from out of town who will be arriving? If not, why not?

3. Why do the free speech rights of the corporate media take precedence over the rights of the people? Two parking lots adjacent to X-Cel are both being given to the media, can't one of them be given to the people? Either parking lot would not be any closer to X-Cel than the demonstration zone, but would greatly expand the ability of people to reach the Xcel and turn around without problems.

4. When will the delegates arrive on 9/1/08? Is the plan to make the March pass by X-Cel center by 2:00 p.m. just so that it will be gone by the time the delegates start arriving?

Melvin Carter (Ward 1) * 651-266-8610

Dave Thune (Ward 2) * 651-266-8620

Pat Harris (Ward 3) * 651-266-8630

Jay Benanav (Ward 4) * (651) 266-8640

Lee Helgen (Ward 5) * 651-266-8650

Dan Bostrom (Ward 6) * 651-266-8660

Kathy Lantry, President (Ward 7) * 651-266-8670

Also, please contact Chris Coleman, Mayor * 651-266-8510