Why is the ACLU-MN so strongly against voter ID?

At first glance, a voter ID requirement makes sense. But details matter. And the details give us many reasons to oppose this voter suppression effort.

The bill currently working its way to the Governor creates barriers to voting for seniors, young people and Indians. The bill does not fix felons voting nor manipulation of mentally handicapped voters nor questionable voter registration drives.

In the details, the bill creates all kinds of costs and burdens to local election officials. In the details, the bill creates confusion around absentee voting and whether people who register on election day can actually vote that day. In the details, the bill will create delays in voting on election day.

Rumor and fear are not legitimate reasons to change our election system. But they are powerful drivers to suppress voting. In the end, voter ID solves no problems, but it will suppress voter turnout over the nation and over time.

This is a nationwide effort to limit voting. The ACLU-MN has always stood for expansion of individual rights, including the right to vote. Remember, the right to vote supports all other rights.

IN THE DETAILS, THIS BILL SOLVES NO PROBLEMS BUT DOES LIMIT THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Because we oppose voter suppression, we oppose voter ID.

Please join us. Learn the details. Oppose this bill.