County jails are hotspots for COVID-19. Infections can spread like wildfire, conditions are often unsanitary, and people cycle in and out of them on a regular basis. It is difficult or impossible for people to protect themselves from infection. While we’ve seen some promising decreases in the arrests of citizens, county jails in Minnesota continue to detain hundreds of immigrants on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

We’ve already asked ICE to release these individuals and even sued for their release. But in the meantime county jails should take the proper precautions to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19.  People should be tested if they show any sign of illness, and the jail should release information daily on the number of people tested and the number of confirmed cases, for the entire population — not just ICE detainees. 

Please call county sheriffs whose jails also house ICE detainees, and ask them to: 

  • Test anyone who is ill, including staff 
  • Publish daily reports on the number of people tested, including the number of positive and negative tests  
  • Send testing reports to the Department of Corrections 

We are working to reduce the prison and jail population as well, but these safeguards should also be put in place immediately. 

Please call these sheriffs who are detaining immigrants for ICE in their county jails:

  • Sheriff Joel Brott – Sherburne County Jail - (763) 765-3500 
  • Sheriff Eric Tollefson– Kandyohi County Jail - (320) 235-1260  
  • Sheriff Ryan Shea – Freeborn County - (507) 377-5205 

Use this script on your calls:

I am calling to advocate for the people being held at [County Jail Name]. County jails are hotspots for COVID-19. Infections can spread like wildfire, conditions are often unsanitary, and people cycle in and out of them on a regular basis. It is difficult or impossible for people to protect themselves from infection, which puts people detained in your facility at extreme risk.

Your jail should be taking proper precautions to safeguard against the spread.  People should be tested if they show any sign of illness. The jail should release information daily on the number of people tested, and the number of confirmed cases, for the entire population — including ICE detainees. 

As a Minnesotan, I demand transparency from your jail during this pandemic. Please take these actions immediately.