We know you have questions about your rights and liberties during this frightening, frustrating outbreak of COVID-19. That's why we created ACLU-MN Office Hours, a new virtual event that allows you to drop in and get your most pressing questions answered by one of our staff experts. This week, we chatted with Community Engagement Director Jana Kooren and Organizers Ismael Dore! Tune in Thursdays on Facebook Live to participate in this Q&A in the future.

Here is our latest video! Subscribe to our YouTube page to get notifications when we post new content. Click below to find some of our virtual town halls, Office Hours and more.

Office Hours

A.Office Hours

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On Thursday, May 21, we dropped in on ACLU-MN Community Engagement Director Jana Kooren and organizer Ismael Dore, who oversees many of our organizing and advocacy campaigns.


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On Thursday, May 14, the ACLU-MN hosted Office Hours with our ACLU-MN Attorneys Ian Bratlie and Paul Dimick, who answered your questions about detention, prisons and jail conditions during COVID-19. 

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On Thursday, May 7, the ACLU-MN hosted Office Hours with Greater Minnesota Organizers Julio Zelaya and Karla Esqueda. They answered your questions about immigrants' rights during COVID-19. 

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On Thursday, April 30, the ACLU-MN hosted Office Hours with Chief Programs Officer Benjamin Feist. He answered your questions about privacy, public health surveillance, government transparency, and more.

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On Thursday, April 23, the ACLU-MN hosted its first ever Office Hours, a new virtual event that allows viewers to drop in and get their most pressing questions answered by one of our staff experts.

Virtual Town Halls

A.Virtual Town Halls

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Listen to formerly incarcerated community organizers share their experience during the ACLU’s Real Justice Demands Smart Justice town hall. They’ve all experienced life behind bars and then became organizers to reform our criminal legal system.

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The need to protect the civil liberties and rights of all Minnesotans becomes even more crucial in times like these. We must protect public health, and we must protect everyone’s rights. These goals are intertwined. The heart of supporting civil liberties is believing in equality, equity and rights for all.


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Sabemos que tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos y libertades durante estos tiempos aterradores y frustrantes. Es por esta razón que creamos ACLU-MN Office Hours (Horario laboral de ACLU-MN), un evento virtual que le permite acompañarnos y recibir respuestas a sus preguntas más apremiantes de uno de los expertos de nuestro personal. Esta semana, visitaremos a los organizadores comunitarios Julio Zelaya y Karla Esqueda de la región de Greater Minnesota.

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La necesidad de proteger las libertades civiles y los derechos de todos los habitantes de Minnesota es aún más importante en momentos como estos. Debemos proteger la salud pública y debemos proteger los derechos de todos. Estos objetivos están entrelazados. El espíritu de apoyar las libertades civiles se basa en creer en la igualdad, la equidad y los derechos para todos.

Legal Cases

A.Legal Cases

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The ACLU-MN filed Kelli Jo Torres v. Dallas Hamm et al. in U.S. District Court in Minnesota on May 6, 2020. The lawsuit names Rock County Deputies Dallas Hamm and Shelley Douty, Sheriff Evan Verbrugge and the county for violating the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, as well as state law. 

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The ACLU of Minnesota is suing the City of Worthington and Worthington Police Department over an assault by police that put the victim in intensive care for five days, requiring multiple surgeries.

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Anthony Promvongsa was brutally assaulted by Officer Joe Joswiak while Sgt. Tim Gaul stood by. He had bruising on his face and arms from the assault.
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Minnesota law barred Evan from receiving Medical Assistance coverage for healthcare to support his transition. We sued on his behalf and won a change to state law -- not only for Evan, but for all trans people in Minnesota.

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When our client Amy was charged with obstruction after filming a police arrest, she wanted to fight back. The ACLU of Minnesota stood up for her, and we won.